Volunteer Positions
The following positions are all half meet positions. There is no certification / training required to fill any of these positions. With the exception of Check-In Clerks, you can select to work the 1st or 2nd half of a meet. Volunteer opportunities will vary depending on the location of the meet.
Bake Sale Volunteers:
These volunteers will assist the Bake Sale Coordinator for half of the meet selling baked goods and other food at the bake sale table. You will also help with set-up and clean-up of the bake sale area.
Check-In Clerks:
These volunteers will arrive at all meets early to be available to check-in our swimmers so that coaches know all swimmers are accounted for. These volunteers also are responsible for labeling swimmer index cards prior to the meet with the swimmer's events. You will also assist our Volunteer Coordinator will volunteer check-in.
Clerk of Course Assistants:
These are half meet opportunities in which you will help the Clerks of Course by moving swimmers through the Clerk Area rotation, moving swimmers from benches to chairs to diving blocks.
Data Entry Assistant:
This half meet position will assist the Computer Manager with inputting results. (Many pools, including HCRA, set up this function in an air-conditioned room.)
Head Timer:
This volunteer will operate several back-up stopwatches in the event that a lane timer has difficulty with their stopwatch. You will watch all timers carefully during the start of each event and be prepared to hand off your extra stopwatches if needed. This is a half meet position.
Lollipop Volunteer:
This fun half meet position will be at the finish side of the pool for each event to give each heat winner a lollipop!
These half meet volunteers will retrieve timesheets from lane timers and deliver them to the Table Workers. They will also pick up DQ cards from Strokes & Turns Judges, have them verified by the Referee and then deliver them to the Table Workers.
Table Workers:
These are half meet positions that ask you to assist the Tables Coordinator by circling times on timesheets, verifying times and placing computer generated labels on ribbons. (Note: A lot of pools, including HCRA, have this position in an air-conditioned room!)
These volunteer positions are responsible for working half of the meet timing events in a specified lane. Each lane will have 3 timers assigned. Each will be provide a stopwatch and 1 of the trio will be responsible for recording all 3 times on a given clipboard with timesheets. Detailed instructions will be provided by the Meet Referee prior to each meet.
Certified or Full Meet Positions
The following positions are all full meet positions or positions that require training or certification*. Volunteer opportunities will vary depending on the location of the meet.
As you will notice, some of these positions have already been filled for our 2024 season.
Parent Rep: Kristie Lancto
Meet Manager: Joanna Metz
Referee: Jeff Gulosh & Katie Leary
Computer Manager: Erin Cutchin
Computer Assistant: Ha Duong
Volunteer Coordinators: Jess Bertsche
Bake Sale Coordinator: Kelly Bolvari
Spirit Wear Coordinator: Karen Tucker
Webmaster: Kristie Lancto
Historian: Kristie Lancto
Champs Coordinator: Ashley Bonham
Fun Day Coordinator: Rachel Bryant
Summer Treats: Rachel Bryant
Picnic Coordinator: Kristie Lancto
Tables Coordinator: Sue Miyashita
Mite Manager: Ashley Bonham
Certified Starters*: Jeff Gulosh, Katie Leary, Andy Meyers, & Joanna Metz
Certified Judges*: Karen Tucker, Katie Leary, Erin Cutchin, Jeff Gulosh and Teresa Clemens
Announcers: Erin and Brad Franklin
Certified Clerks*: Ellen Guidry
GRAL Rep: Chad Lehr
Check-In Coordinator: Jackie Bonham
If you are interested in becoming certified for any of the certifiable positions listed above, you can visit the GRAL (Greater Richmond Aquatic League) website or contact Meet Manager, Joanna Metz.